Smart solutions for a secure society
Clappform enables companies to focus on what matters most to them: building a safe and secure business. We are at the forefront of control automation, cyber, artificial intelligence, operations research and data science.
Within Clappform Cyber we have experience in the field of risk management and code review. The common denominator is the automated part, where scans and automated business logic systems check the code for possible weaknesses.
In addition to codebase, we also see many possible conflicts concerning risk management from a more access rights point of view. Background to automate this properly and make it transparent by means of our automated control framework. Business rules that automatically detect possible separation of rights.
Different types of risk assessment. Such as PIAs, GDPR and ISMS risk measurement points. Looking at what the possible threats are within organisations on a managerial, corporate and business level.
An important step in code reviews are the vulnerability assessments. Having a good insight into where the possible weaknesses are in the code base and then also addressing these directly with potential improvements
A further step in code review is the automated scanning of code for weaknesses. A well-known example of a classification technique is the Common Weakness and Enumeration (CWE) taxonomy. CWE is a developed method that lists weaknesses in software security. Besides CWE, another well-known method for measuring weaknesses is Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).
Last OneConference2022 in World Forum The Hague it became clear that certain rules like GDPR and the upcoming AI regulation try to protect certain interests and European values. But it also emerged that GDPR itself makes big tech even bigger. It is often still too difficult for small companies to enter the market. Companies in the EU should therefore dare to invest in innovation and conduct well-founded research into innovations within the cyber domain. Artificial intelligence is used by hackers with bad intentions to detect vulnerabilities. That is precisely why we also need Aritificial Intelligence to detect these vulnerabilities faster and possibly solve them.
It is one of the largest international cyber security conferences: the ONE Conference. During the conference, national and international experts from the business community, science and government talk about current developments in the field of cyber security. From technical to policy issues, the conference offers a broad range of topic. Moreover, it not only focuses on mere cyber security, but also on the economic opportunities offered by the cyber domain.
Let's connect with our Clappform Cyber Team
Clappform B.V.
Parlevinker 17
1186 ZA Amstelveen